Wednesday 6 May 2015

I just lost a whole year with my children...

Tonight my husband and I were sitting down for the first time in over a week (we're working a lot these days plus got a few tummy bugs thrown in the mix which spiced up our evenings plans). Simon is in his third year studying to be a Primary School teacher. We were chatting about family and school curriculum and I suddenly picked up on something that had not fully hit me before: Nursery (kindergarten) here in Scotland starts at 4! And Primary School at 5!? Back home in Canada, kindergarten starts at 5, so children start Primary school at 6. When I heard here of children starting nursery at 3 I did think it was a bit young, my plan for the girls was to wait till they'd turn 4 if they seemed ready for it, but I didn't realise this was actually my only option if I want my children to get a cushion year before Primary school.
So this means I only have one year left with Lilly at home and not one with a potential extra one...just one. And it feels very final, and that these nearly three years so far have gone by much faster and that we have very little time left together. I know it is not the end of the world, but I feel like I have just lost a whole year and also I really need to get more research in the curriculum here as it is much more different than just high school encompassing both middle school and high school in one go.
This is adding one more little bit to the home sick feeling I have had lately (it has been more than eight years since my last maple cream cookie and you don't find hot apple cider powder here... and it took Lilly to be two and a half to go walk in snow for the first time and she was terrorised of it...).
I am going to go to bed now and tomorrow I am going to start planning on how to do the things I thought I had two years to do before Primary fit into one. Hopefully I will be better ready for Kaede's turn.