Friday 19 June 2015

Goodbye dear old sofa.

This past week has marked quite an important step in our home. After nearly three years of good and loyal service we had to part ways with the sofa that saw both our daughters sitting for the first time, that held all of us like a warm, cosy and familiar hug, that endured Lilly's exercises, that was turned into a fort or castle so many times and that most importantly was the place where Kaede was birthed.
We will miss it and it was a sad goodbye. Lilly bounced on it one last time to see it go and we are so very grateful for having been given it and for the years of memories it gave us. We now have a smaller corner sofa that we are getting used to.
 Baby Kaede already claimed the corner spot and Lilly is deciding if she likes it or not but definitely misses the old sofa. This is the first step in reorganising our flat to make it more space efficient and easier to keep tidy as we are getting busier every day and really need a more efficient space to live in. I will put some pictures once we are done by the end of the month!